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C15780 C15790铜合金硬度材质书

C15780 C15790铜合金硬度材质书

C15780 C15790铜合金硬度材质书黄铜以锌作主要添加元素的铜合金﹐具有美观的黄色﹐统称黄铜。铜锌二元合金称普通黄铜或称简单黄铜。三元以上的黄铜称特殊黄铜或称复杂黄铜。含锌低於36%的黄铜合金由固溶体组成﹐具有良好的冷加工性能﹐如含锌30%的黄铜常用来制作 壳﹐俗称 壳黄铜或七三黄铜。含锌在36~42%之间的黄铜合金由和固溶体组成﹐其中zui常用的是含锌40%的六四黄铜。为了改善普通黄铜的性能﹐常添加其他元素﹐如铝﹑镍﹑锰﹑锡﹑硅﹑铅等。铝能提高黄铜的强度﹑硬度和耐蚀性﹐但使塑性降低﹐适合作海轮冷凝管及其他耐蚀零件。锡能提高黄铜的强度和对海水的耐腐性﹐故称海军黄铜﹐用作船舶热工设备和螺旋桨等。铅能改善黄铜的切削性能;这种易切削黄铜常用作钟表零件。黄铜铸件常用来制作阀门和管道配件等。船舶常用的消防栓防爆月牙扳手,就是黄铜加铝铸造而成。

norms from Copper alloys
Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand
column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor
differences. The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.
With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.
Product name Country of origin LM’s trade name by or order/inquiry
JM 1  Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard  Rg7 (Cu Sn7 Zn4 Pb7), CC493K
JM 2  Johnson Metall / Own brand name on Swedish standard  SS 5443-15 (Cu Sn10), CC480K
